Contemporary or Vintage?
We both like the idea of designing our own wedding rings so they're unique but it's not as easy as it sounds. Barry has already seen what he likes when we met Lorraine Law at a wedding show. She had some fantastic mens rings in some great colours and finishes. Her style is very contemporary so here are some favourites in this style.

Ernest Jones - one of my favourites
Barry tried on this one in
Goldsmiths and it looked cool. We liked the concave shape and the shiney parts looked quite sparkly against the duller brushed area. The designer is called Christian Bauer and the style number is 08350039.
Then there's the vintage look which is a bit more interested but then would I get bored of it? And would it look dated and not in a good way in a short space of time....

This vintage style ring is from
Ernest Jones (no.8012644) and was suggested to me by the salesman. It's not something I would have chosen myself but it looked amazing on with my solitaire engagement ring. I think I might go down the vintage route now. This only comes in white gold so I can get a designer to make one in platinum to match my engagement ring.
another from
Ernest Jones (5880661). Would like to see what this looks like in real life... they look totally different than in the pictures really.
I was originally thinking of getting something more contemporary like this ring below and it fitted the bill (but not the price tag!). Still don't know whether to go modern or vintage but leaning towards vintage as it's more sparkly and it brings out the diamond in my engagement ring then.
I think we might go bespoke in the end to get exactly what we want - especially Barry as the range on the high street for men is just too limited. Another designer who's been recomended is
Janet Isherwood in Lancashire.
I've found a lot more inspiration for vintage jewellery now that I've looked online. Here are some of my favourites.

I know this isn't a wedding ring but I love it
I wish now I'd seen this when I'd got my engagement ring. Love it.
But then, high street jewellers don't sell anything different like this.